Spend some time exploring the many links here.
All Music and Spanish classes are available below. Reading links include Principal Ellie Cundiff reading books aloud, children’s Books of the Month, and a Community Adult Reading List where you can add titles to share. Social Emotional has helpful advice for navigating 21st century parenting challenges.
After school programs
Courses are offered seasonally. Keep an eye out for announcements via Parent Square for upcoming sessions.
Creative Crochet (4th & 5th graders)
Exploring Paint (2nd & 3rd graders)
Run Club (all grades)
Spindrift Hip Hop Dance (all grades)
Spindrift Performing Arts Workshop (4th & 5th graders)
Bilingual Storytelling in the Library (Wednesdays)
Sculpture class (K - 5th graders)
Vocal Lessons (group or private)
SRE Library
Mrs. Lauren Reynolds is our incredible librarian. The library is open every day (DOUBLE CHECK HOURS). Children visit the library weekly with their class. They may check out two books at a time, and Mrs. Reynolds keeps track of the titles for us. She welcomes book donations and family volunteers to help organize the library and/or read to the children.
Helping Kids with Math at Home:
You may have seen that your kids are learning math in a different way than you learned. The main reason for that is because research has shown that kids in the past haven’t had a great understanding of number sense. For example, why do we put a one under a number when we want to multiply it by a fraction? If you’re like me, you do it because that is what you were told. The current thinking is that in order to get more students into higher order math thinking, kids need to have better number sense. Our math program focuses on giving kids a variety of different ways to think about numbers so that have a strong foundation in number sense.
Strategies to Support Math Thinking:
- Have kids write numbers
- Count objects
- Guess my number
- Skip Count
- Cook together - weights, measures, fractions, ratios, proportion, estimation, etc.
- Get your kids to teach YOU
- Point out the math in everyday life and discuss
- Connect math to your child’s interests
- Avoid “drill and kill”
Grade Level Standards:
Pre-K/TK: Counts to 30, Recognize #s to 15, Have one-to-one correspondence to 10, Compare by matching or counting two groups
Kindergarten: Counts to 100 by ones and 10s, Recognize #s to 30, one-to-one correspondence to 20, Express mathematical thinking, Do basic addition
First: Fluent w/ Addition and Subtraction, Solves word problems, Adds within 100, Tells time in half hour & hour
Second: Uses repeated Addition & Arrays, Adds & Subtracts within 1000, Skip counts by 2, 5, 10, 100, 1000, Mentally adds & subtracts 10 or 100 to a #
Third: Represents & solves problems w/ X, Determines unknown numbers in equations, Uses place value to round numbers, Understands fractions
Fourth: Solves multi-digit multiplication problems, Understands fractions, fraction equivalence, and ordering, Efficiently applies strategies to solve problems, Understands decimal notations for fractions, compares decimals & fractions
Fifth: Analyzes numerical patterns & relationships, Understands the place value system, Solves multi-digit division problems, Uses equivalent fractions as a strategy in + & - fractions & mixed numbers with unlike denominators
Music in the Pacifica School District is funded by the Pacifica Education Foundation (PEF) and taught by the incomparable Mr. Mark Unbehagen, AKA. Mr. U, AKA. Mr. “Dot.” Over the past few years of physical separation, Mr. U produced a glorious collection of themed music lessons. Check them out anytime!
Social Emotional
Browse these past presentations at SRE family events to help build overall social-emotional wellbeing.
1. Life Hacks for Families
2. How do I help my child without over-helping my child?
3. Three Strategies to help your child at home
4. Learning about digital footprints
5. Positive affirmations to boost confidence
6. Class Dojo research-based emotion management, positive thinking, growth mindsets, and more
Click here to see ALL classroom lessons
A special selection of lessons (in progress)
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade