Sponsor a Reader

Our second annual Sponsor a Reader fundraiser has begun! Sunset Ridge Students are asking friends and family for sponsorships to reach a collective goal of $10,000. Help us reach our goal! The last day to sponsor is Friday, February 17th.

Students are gearing up to celebrate their successes on Read Across America Day on March 2nd, 2023. Each classroom will have a special guest arriving in the morning to read aloud. Then, the ENTIRE school will drop everything but the books to read silently. Finally, pending participation turnout, a dance party may be granted!

To participate electronically, click the grade level of the reader you’re sponsoring at the bottom of this page. You will have the option to select a teacher after entering payment details. (If you’re contributing to multiple or all grade levels, or you don’t know which grade to tap, click Other and let us know in the text box at the end of the transaction your pledger’s details). You will have a chance to type in your child’s name or initials on the final step. If you wish to participate non-virtually, please send a check or cash with the envelope provided to a teacher, (note Readers in the memo).

Each classroom will be working towards their own goals, tracked by their teachers in their classrooms. The PTO will be tracking our collective progress here on our website by grade level, come back for updates!

With the money raised by our hard working readers and teachers, the PTO will continue to invest in expanding our library’s collection of diverse and inclusive books so every student’s piqued interest can be realized.

If you have any questions or want clarity on this fundraiser or other happenings, please don’t hesitate to connect. We love hearing from you! admin@srepto.org
