PEF Volunteers needed!

Dear Sunset Ridge Families,

The Pacifica Education Foundation (PEF) is holding their annual fundraising week April 29-May 3 and they need your help!  As you know, PEF funds the music program at Sunset Ridge from grade 3-5 and SPARC poetry program in grade 5.   If they do not raise the needed funds, these programs will disappear.  We need volunteers on PEF Thursday, 5/2 here at Sunset Ridge to make sure PEF raises the necessary funds by encouraging people to give.  The volunteer shift is short, fun, and a great way to make a difference.


  1. Click the link below to volunteer and do your part:


2. “Like & Follow” the PEF facebook page



Ellie Cundiff, Principal, Sunset Ridge PTO, and the Pacifica Education Foundation


The Pacifica Education Foundation (PEF) invites you to join our very special 10th Anniversary celebration! Participate in our 2019 Donation Week “Magic Moments” Challenge by showcasing your magical PEF experiences!

#MakingMagicMoments is our week’s long core theme, and it kicks off next Monday, April 29th. Each day will have a very unique and fun online theme, showcasing your PEF magic moments!

Stay Tuned For Daily “Magic Moments” Posts. Here’s How:

· Simply “Like & Follow” our facebook page now!

· Watch for and participate in our daily “magic moments”, starting Monday April 29th, for your chance to win one of several prestigious PEF prize packages and/or community recognition!

Support your school on Wednesday May 1st and Thursday May 2nd. Network with other family members to help raise awareness and funds by simply giving an hour on-site at your school, either in the morning drop-off or afternoon pick-up period. Sign up now to volunteer.

Remember, PEF is a 100% non-profit foundation relying entirely on community support (YOU!) to sustain our educationally enriching programs!


Monday April 29 - #PEF #SharingMagicMoments Monday’s magic moment challenge is all about SHARING a special PEF moment (i.e. a photo of your child in a PEF t-shirt).

Tuesday April 30 - #PEF #GivingMagicMoments Tuesday’s magic moment challenge is all about GIVING. We’re providing you a platform to GIVE a PEF sponsored $5 “Thank You-Gram” to your favorite teachers, parents, children, PTO members - anyone that you want to recognize!

Wednesday May 1 - #PEF #MembersMagicMoments Wednesday’s magic moment challenge is all about MEMBERS; and membership has its rewards. Purchase your PEF membership today to make your heart glow inside while sporting our new logo decals around town on your vehicle! Various member levels fit any size family or budget.

Thursday May 2 - #PEF #SchoolMagicMoments Thursday’s magic moment challenge is all about our SCHOOLS. Schools are competing district wide for “bragging rights” to raise the most donations for PEF sponsored programs in your school! You will see familiar faces during “drop off / pickup” on Thursday.

Friday May 3 - #PEF #SPARCMagicMoments Friday’s final magic moment challenge is all about our SPARC (slam-poetry) program. May 3rd is also the Pacifica School District Poetry Slam at Ortega School, 5:30 - 8:00pm. Be sure to show your support for our up and coming creative writers!


Sunset Ridge PTO